"Backyard Group", NRH, TX 76182 - 817.938.8888 
what we do
what we train
class schedule
special events
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contact us

"I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do."

-- Leonardo da Vinci

Do yourself a favor and take advantage of our limited time offer to participate in ONE HOUR of training... ABSOLUTELY FREE!

Call us at 817.938.8888 for more information.

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Class Schedule

At this time, all training is by appointment only. For more information, please contact us at 817.938.8888.

We currently have a 'standing appointment' every Thursday 6p-8p.

Be prepared for a work out. It's recommended that you come prepared with a mouth piece, groin protection and wrestling shoes; be sure you don't forget to hydrate and we recommend you bring a towel. Note: Due to the nature of this course, it is absolutely required that everyone have good hygiene; this is 100% enforced and is required for participation.

Other classes / curriculums will be added based on demand.

updated 8/17/2011
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